🎙T H E E L E V A T E D L I F E (Ep. 16)

“Uplifting bites of inspiration to elevate your business and your life.”

“What was your first job growing up..?” 😅🐟

By the time I finished high school, I worked four different jobs and three of them at the same time. I remember making the decision at a young(er) age to do the kinds of things a lot of my friends weren’t willing to do at the time. Like WORK. I don’t know how or why I made that decision when none of my friends did. I just know I wanted to be different. 💯

Little did I know, this would provide me an awesome opportunity to serve my boys and ironically, that’s how I discovered my heart for elevating an experience in any situation.. Like showing up to the boys at 10PM on a Friday night with a huge batch of freshly-fried fish and hush puppies..

#latenightmunchies 😋 #yourRealtor4life #ElevateEstates #lifehacks #businesshacks #elevatedbites #theelevatedlife #inspire #uplift #newseries #mystory #firstjob #hustlemindset #entrepreneur #heartofservice #serve #alifebydesign #separationseason #thepowerofchoice #plutocapitalinvestments #podcast